This item is on consignment, and we do take into consideration serious offers. Please reach out to us with any questions and offers.
Thank you for any consideration!
A rarity! This is a replica of the memorable Joseph Adama lighter used in all three of the 2003 Battlestar Galactica installments, including the prequels Blood and Chrome (it's last appearance) and Caprica.
First introduced in "The Hand of God" when William Adama gifts the "good lighter" to his son, Lee "Apollo" Adama, this lighter became a symbol between the formerly estranged family members. According to William, his father Joseph was gifted this lighter by his wife (and William's mother), Evelyn, and Joseph claimed to have never lost a case when he carried it with him into the court room.
While Lee did win the battle for tylium on an asteroid in "The Hand of God," we must surmise that he must have forgotten the lighter aboard Galactica multiple times. RIP "Blackbird" and Pegasus.

Prop Facts
Like the original, this replica uses a Regens' "trench lighter" with spring powered, side squeeze spark igniter and snuff-cap circa 1930s-40s as the base upon which the Joseph Adama name is engraved (and black-filled) on one side. The other side is not engraved, as per the original.

Measuring 2.15in x 1.3in x .5in (5.46cm x 3.3cm x 1.27cm), this item is made of brass with silver plating and features a removable fuel tank that can be cleaned and re-filled separate from the base unit.

Lighter has been verified functional, as depicted the photos. The base lighter has also been restored and cleaned up as best as possible, but kept "weathered" and used as shiny futures (and lighters, too) are overrated anyway according to good ol' Lee.

Note that the fuel tank will be emptied and cleaned prior to shipping, so you will need to fill it with lighter fluid should you wish to use it. It will include cotton fill and a dry wick.
The original, and best "good lighter" featured in Battlestar Galactica's "The Hand of God" was auctioned off for some several thousand dollars in 2009. This replica is considerably less, and can be yours without the frakkin' felgercarb of "collectible shipping service" fees, buyer's premiums, and the like.
Any questions, please ask. We're here to help, nuggets.
Good hunting. This good lighter needs a good home!