Twelve Colonies of Kobol - Flag Lapel Pin Sets

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  • $182.54
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  • Lapel pins of one's home flag are a patriotic fashion accessory on every colony, including Earth. 
  • So that tradition here began out there, and from far across the universe come the colony pin for your chosen colony from the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica.
  • Each colony pin is polished brass metal with color fill, featuring the symbol of the colony on the lower half of the flag, alongside the four colors of the chosen colony, with the Ring & Ears variant of the Colonial Phoenix symbol of the Twelve Colonies of Kobol.  
  • Each pin measures approx. 1.38in x 0.59in x 0.06in (35mm x 15mm x 1.7mm) LWH.
  • Also includes complimentary cut-corner display box for either storage and display! (Packed with 6 different colonies per box.)
  • Buy both Sets A & B for a deeper discount.
  • Free shipping within the U.S.A.


Lapel pins of one's home flag are a patriotic fashion accessory on every colony, including Earth.

So that tradition here began out there, and from far across the universe come the flag pins based on the prop flags the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica


Set A includes the following colonies, from Top Left to Bottom Right:

  1. Aerilon
  2. Aquaria
  3. Canceron
  4. Caprica
  5. Gemenon
  6. Leonis 

Set B includes the following colonies, from Top Left to Bottom Right:


  1. Libran
  2. Picon
  3. Sagittaron
  4. Scorpia
  5. Tauron
  6. Virgon