Customized Hexagon Metal Dog Tags (The Final Run)

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  • Regular price €29,48
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Final Ordering Window Now Open — Closing December 9, 2022 for 2023 Shipment!

Now available for personalization for one final time! Made to order in batches.

Our exacting replica dog tags feature the proper artworks, size, and typeface used for the first—and arguably the definitive—batch of dog tags made for the Miniseries back in 2003. This definitive article comes with a 30-inch brass ball chain upon which these two tags can hang. 

While the prop masters of the series heavily weathered the dog tags (and made them mostly of plastics to prevent the sound guys from going crazy whenever loose tags clinked together), we are able to provide them in either pristine condition—as if these were issued by the Colonial Quartermaster themselves—or at two different stages of weathering.
So, these are as close as anyone will ever get to screen-accurate dog tags from the series that last aired over 11 years ago, and of far superior quality than anything previously offered either via auction or otherwise. 

Accept no frakking substitutes. 

Prop Breakdown

This listing is for:
  • One brass ball chain, with a length of 30 in (76.2 cm).
  • Two hexagon-shaped dog tags, cut to exact specifications of the screen-used props, and laser engraved on brass. 
  • Packaged in cut-corner black pendant box.
  • As these are made in batches, these ship 6 to 8 weeks after customer's final sign-off of approved artworks
  • Please add customization details in the following format:
    • Tag Engraving #1: First Initial, Last Name, serial # (up to 10 digits)
    • Tag Engraving #2: Ship name, number (if you don't know these, it's fine)

    • If you are uncertain of what you'd like to have engraved, or wish for a custom job, don't worry—we will work with you on this. :-)